No Other God Compares

Exodus 14:11

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Do you like to sing? I don’t know about you, but I love to sing and seem like there’s special times of the year when maybe the singing it’s ratcheted up a little more. Christmas time, right? We enjoy singing those Christmas carols. Silent Night, Joy to the world, all in response to our Savior’s birth.

At Easter time, we celebrate our living Lord who was raised from the dead. And we begin our Easter worship with that wonderous hymn, Jesus Christ is Risen Today. Alleluia, we sing.

God’s people had crossed the Red Sea. Moses had led them across. God had saved them from the Egyptian. These saved them from slavery. And Moses and Miriam responded to that saving by singing. And we have an Exodus 15, a song of praise from Moses and Miriam as they sang in Thanksgiving to God. I encourage you to read the whole song, but I want you to think today about these verses. Verse 11,

Lord, who is like you among the gods who is like you, glorious and holiness, awesome in praise, working wonders. (Exodus 14:11)

Is there any God more awesome than God? Is there anyone else who has saved you from your sins? Is there anyone else who has loved you so unconditionally that even though you mess up every single day, he still loves you and he sent his only Son to save you? Is there a more awesome God than we have?

The God of our salvation. The God who works wonders for you. And for me. No other God we could ever cook up in our minds and worship in our our hearts and and serve with our hands. No other God compares. God is awesome. God is the awesome God. Working wonders, and he is worthy of all our praise. Every single day. The God of our salvation. Amen.

Preston Heuer
Preston Heuer

Pastor Preston Heuer currently serves at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota.

Articles: 8