Follow the Leader

Exodus 13:21-22

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Have you ever played the game follow the leader? It’s really quite easy, isn’t it? You have a leader and you follow that leader wherever he or she may go. Well, God’s people, they had a leader. The Israel was in slavery. God had freed them from slavery. And he promised them a home that he would lead them to.

And the way he led them, he wouldn’t lead them in a way that was what you might expect. He led them in a very different way from Exodus Chapter 13. We hear this

The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on their way. And in a pillar of fire by night to give them light. In this way they could travel by day and by night. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night never left his place in front of the people. (Exodus 13:21-22 EHV)

The people of God had a leader, and they followed that leader, this pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day. They could see it. It was right there in front of them as God led them. Do you and I still have a leader today? We do. God still leads us, but he doesn’t lead us with clouds and fire in the sky. He leads us through the pages of his word.

His word serves as a shining lamp for our feet and a light for our path. And he leads us every single day. And just like that pillar of Fire and the Cloud never left Israel’s front. God and his word never leave our front. He is always right there. His word is always there for us to hear, to read and to follow as we live our life. And he leads us throughout this life and into the life that he has won for us through Christ our Savior. Amen.

Preston Heuer
Preston Heuer

Pastor Preston Heuer currently serves at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota.

Articles: 8