Jesus, don’t you care?

Mark 4:38

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Jesus, don’t you care? This was the question that the disciples had on their minds as they fought against the wind and the waves of this huge storm that had come upon their small boat. Meanwhile, Jesus slept in the stern. And so they wake up Jesus and they say,

Jesus, don’t you care that we are perishing? (Mark 4:38)

Don’t you care that we’re about to die? How often do we feel like this? We’re going through our life and suddenly a storm of life hits us out of the blue and we’re left feeling like we are floundering. Like we’re drowning in this difficulty and that Jesus is asleep at the wheel like his attention is somewhere else. Maybe it’s a job lost. Maybe it’s a relationship that has been broken. Maybe it’s because we are grieving over the death of somebody that we have loved and lost. Maybe it’s financial issues, health troubles, the list goes on and on. And as we’re floundering, we feel like Jesus’s attention is somewhere else. God, don’t you care?

This feeling in itself is a temptation. It’s a temptation to give in to the worry, to give in to the fear, to let these troubles overwhelm us, to cause us to doubt the promise and the providence of our God, the promises that he will be there for us, that he will lead us through these difficulties, that he will give us everything that we need. The very fact that Jesus was on that boat that day is proof of God’s care and not just for the disciples, but for us.

Jesus, who is God, he took on human flesh in order to come and show us His care. He lived every single day according to the law. He fulfilled God’s law for us because He cares for us. He came to proclaim the good news because he cares. He came to go to the cross and to pay our price, to die for us in our place and to win for us forgiveness as the greatest display in the history of the world of how much he cares for us.

God sees the storms of life that you are facing right now. He sees the difficulties and the challenges that are mounting up. He knows your struggles and your difficulties, and he who never slumbers or sleeps. Hears your prayers. He knows your needs and he promises to supply everything necessary for you.

Because of the work of Jesus in every single storm that you face, you know that God himself is standing by your side. As Jesus calmly wakes up from his slumber, he goes to the front of the ship and he rebukes the wind. He tells the waves to be still. And suddenly calm comes over. The disciples seeing this there, they understand and they learn more about who their Savior is, who this teacher is, the power that he has and their faith in him grows. This is the result of God bringing us also through the storms of our life. Whatever storm you’re facing right now, quiet your troubled heart by hearing again and again the comforting promises of God’s Word and know that they are true.

Every single storm, every trial of your life, God will use for your good. He will use them to empty you of any reliance you have on yourself and to remind you to put your faith and your trust in him. Who is he? The one who even the winds and the seas obey. He is your Savior from sin. He is the conqueror of death and Satan. He is the Son of God and Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Ben Wiechmann
Ben Wiechmann

Pastor Ben Wiechmann currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 18