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Professional Worrier
It's a silly story, but it is fun to think that we have someone who does the worrying for us here and we don't have to pay for it at all.
1 Peter 5:7
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There was a man who was talking with a friend of his and he came up to his friend and he said,
“Ah, I’m totally bankrupt. I just lost my job. I’m losing my house. My car just got repossessed. All these terrible things are happening, but I’m not worried about it.”
His friend said “not worried? What in the world? How can you not worry about all these terrible things that are happening?”
And the first man said, “Oh, well, I have hired someone who is a professional worrier and he’s going to do all of my worrying for me.”
And the man’s friend said “a professional worrier? Well, how much does that cost you?”
“$50,000,” said the first man.
“Well, and how in the world are you going to pay that man the $50,000 to do all your worrying for you?”
First man replied, “I don’t know. That’s his problem to worry about.”
Silly story, but it is fun to think that we have someone who does the worrying for us here and we don’t have to pay for it at all. You and I, we get anxious and worried about so many things, what does God say to us?
Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
God knows your needs. He knows what is needed for you to carry on in life. And he has promised to provide you with your daily bread. You can take great comfort in that.
Martin Luther, he once talked about this when he spoke about his favorite preacher. Martin Luther said this I have one preacher I love better than any other. It’s my little tame Robin who preaches to me daily. I put his crumbs upon my windowsill, especially at night. He hops on to the sill when he wants his supply, he takes as much as he desires to satisfy his need. And from there, he always hops to a little tree close by, lifts up his voice to God, sings his carol of praise and gratitude, and then tucks his head under his wing and goes fast to sleep, to leave tomorrow to look after itself.
Martin Luther said, Look at this bird. Look at how it trusts that it will be provided for and how it seems to have no worries. That was a reminder to him that I can be like that bird. I have someone looking out for my needs. That’s the almighty God. He cares for me. He loves me. He’s provided the most important things that I need. He’s provided me the forgiveness of sins through my Savior, Jesus. Because of that, heaven belongs to me. And all the riches and joys of heaven are in store for me. And if he’s gone to all the lengths to provide those things for me, well, I can count on him to provide me with everything else that I need for this body in life.
And so we can cast our cares, our worries, our anxieties upon him. We can trust in him because we know that he cares for us. And we pray, Oh, Lord, help us to have peace in knowing that you are with us providing all of our needs. Help us to always cast our cares and worries upon you. Oh, Lord. Amen.
God’s peace be with you.