Matt’s Favorite Passage

2 Timothy 2:13

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My favorite Bible passage. I’ve said for years that my favorite Bible passages from Second Timothy Chapter two, verse 13, and it says this

If we are faithless, he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself. (2 Timothy 2:13)

This is God’s Word. I love that Bible passage and I love a variety of Bible passages that make us look terrible and God look awesome. And you maybe say, That’s kind of strange, Pastor Moldstad. Why in the world would you like passages that maybe make you look terrible? Well, I treasure those passages because I think about for us as Christians, there are so many times tPhat we fail, right? We fail to be faithful to God in his word and we sin and we turn against God and we don’t do what we should do. And that’s the reality for us as sinful human beings. And so with those passages, there’s incredible comfort then for us, especially when we’re down on ourselves for the things that we’ve done wrong.

And look at our passage before us today if we are faith less. Right. How many times have you been faith less to God and to His Word? Maybe going contrary to the commandments, even when you knew something was wrong, you went ahead and did it anyway. Or at times where you haven’t been so faithful to coming to church and hearing God’s Word. It happens to all of us, really throughout our lives, this faithlessness. And yet, what comfort do we find in God’s Word? If we are faithless, he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself.

And that’s incredibly comforting, Right? So even if we do the wrong thing, even if we turn away from God, even if we are faithless, he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself. What that reminds us is that God can’t go back on his promises. So God can’t say, Well, you’ve screwed up too much or you’ve been too terrible, or you haven’t been faithful to me in my word. And so what I said about Jesus and him paying for your sin, well, I’m going to take that back. No, he can’t do that. He has to hold to his Word and to his promises because God can’t lie. And we can take his promises to the bank. And so therein lies the comfort for us as Christians, then, to know that even despite our sin and unfaithfulness, God’s promises remain.

And we think about God’s attitude towards us. That even when we sin and even when we turn away from him, he’s ready at all times to receive us back. And he wants us to come to him and to repent of our sins, to confess them to him, and to hear again the good news that he has sent someone to pay for your sin and that through faith in him, no matter what, no matter what sin you’ve committed, no matter how bad you think it is, no matter how faithless you’ve been, he is faithful and he has forgiven your sins. And he draws your attention again to his Son, Jesus. He paid the price for your sins, not just for your sins, but for the sins of the entire world. Treasure that. Hold on to that. Because God can’t go against his promises.

So that’s why I like second Timothy chapter two, verse 13, because it especially emphasizes God’s faithfulness to His promises and it gives us comfort, assurance and hope. Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 226