Solomon’s Glory

Matthew 6:28-30,33

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All Christians need encouragement to trust in God and not to worry. Jesus gives that encouragement in Matthew Chapter six, verses 28 to 30, he said.

Why do you worry about clothing? Consider how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin, but I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, will he not clothe you even more, you of little faith? (Matthew 6:28-30 EHV)

Jesus mentioned Solomon. He was the son of King David. When he was young, he asked God for wisdom. And God gave him great wisdom, the greatest wisdom in the world. On top of that, he also gave Solomon riches and great fame. People came from near and far countries far away to hear the wisdom of Solomon as he sat in court. And when I say court, he had a beautiful, magnificent palace. And in there was a throne room. It must have been an awesome scene. He sat on a throne that was six steps high. Each of the steps was very wide. It had statues of lions on either side all the way up. 12 lions standing there and then his throne at the top.

And Solomon in that throne was magnificent. His clothing was beautiful. His entire throne was covered in gold and inlaid with ivory. And also as someone entered into that palace room, there were 200 soldiers and each one held large shields of pure gold. What an awesome sight that must have been.

And now go back to what Jesus said. Solomon, in all his glory, was not as beautiful as the flowers that are out in the fields. Jesus point is this, if God can provide for flowers that are here today and basically gone tomorrow, how much more he can provide for us, his people, as we trust in him, we do not need to worry.

Instead of worrying, Jesus encourages us to trust in God and His providing. He wrote in Matthew 6:33.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)

To seek God’s kingdom means to trust in Jesus, to trust that God sent his Son into this world to save us from our sins. Now, Jesus didn’t appear all glorious, even though He was God’s Son. He looked very ordinary most of the time, even though we know that his glory was even greater than that of King Solomon. He lived a humble life in order to live in our place and suffer and even die on a cross so that our sins would be taken away. So that one day we will experience the very glory of heaven, which is far beyond what Solomon’s glory was.

And so as we look forward to that day, we can be confident that God is with us, that he is taking care of all of our needs, even as he has done so much through Jesus, His Son, for us. Let us pray.

Lord God, we confess we don’t always trust in you. Through your word help us to look to Jesus for our complete forgiveness. Then help us to trust in your love to provide all that we need. Amen.

Ken Mellon
Ken Mellon
Articles: 10