The Best for Last

John 2:11

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Jesus saved the best until last. At that wedding where Jesus revealed his glory after the wine had almost run out, he provides more. And it is, just wonderful. And where is Jesus doing this? He’s doing it at a wedding. So, you know, what does Jesus think about marriage? Obviously, he approves, this as a great blessing to mankind, that he created marriage and that relationship. And like the wine that he saved the best until last, he gives marriage these special boundaries where we save some of the best parts of a life together until last, until after the marriage vow, until after, we’ve made that promise to another person.

Yet, sometimes in our sinfulness, we don’t want to save the best until last, this lifelong union. Instead, you see it in society, maybe you see it in your own heart, too. Where waiting for something is not what we always want to do. Instead, we want the best and we want it now and we want it on our terms. And even within that context of marriage, we think about that too where one partner forever after marriage, but no outside of marriage with lustful thoughts or before marriage because it’s more convenient, less expensive. The pleasure that we want right now. We might think.

Jesus not only endorses, loves, and created marriage. He also came as the friend of sinners to rescue us and redeem us and set us free and when we sin against God’s good establishment of marriage. Jesus was at this wedding and he brought joy and gladness. He saved the best until last. And, you know, Jesus didn’t come to save the best. He didn’t come to save people who had always lived righteously and perfectly and never messed up. But instead he came to save the last, the least, sinners.

And Jesus did that this day, he creates the very best wine. But he wouldn’t just drink wine and enjoy the day at this wedding, but he would go to the cross for all of our sins where it talks about how he took the cup and he drank that completely. The cup of God’s wrath for every time that we’ve sinned against him and that he drank down until it was completely empty, that he took all of our sin into himself so that he could fully forgive it because that’s who he is.

This was a sign to reveal his glory. (Paraphrase of John 2:11)

To point to who he is, the true God who came into our world to take all of our sins upon himself and to wash them away forever. So as we see Jesus at this wedding, I want you to think about what he’s done for you and for your relationships and know that bringing Jesus into your marriage, into your life, into your relationship doesn’t create less joy. It creates so much more infinitely more because the one who is forgiven your sins and made you right with him is also the one who has invited you to another wedding banquet, another wedding feast where there’s the best of wines, the choicest of foods, and the one who has forgiven your sin has your name on the guest list for that wedding because Jesus saves the best for last. Heaven is your home.

Marques Nelson
Marques Nelson

Pastor Marques Nelson currently serves the Beacon Lutheran Campus Center in the Mankato area.

Articles: 52