Important to God

Ephesians 2:10

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What the Bible reveals about God never ceases to amaze me. The Bible says that God is gracious. It means that he loves people, even though they don’t deserve it. The Bible says that God is almighty. It means that he has the power to create the entire universe out of nothing, simply by saying, “Let there be.” When Jesus assumed a human nature, he also showed that grace and power through his miracles for people.

There were times when Jesus worked through ordinary people in order to complete his good purpose. One of those times was when Jesus was invited to a wedding feast in the town of Cana. When he got there, they had told him that the wine was almost gone. Now Jesus could have used his almighty power simply to say, “Let there be.” And just like that, containers could have been filled with wine.

But instead, he had the common helpers go out and fill all the containers with water. And then he turned the water into wine. Those helpers may have thought that what they were doing was insignificant, but it was important to God. All of us have vocations, we have things that God would have us do in this world. It may be as husband or wife or as parent or child. Or in many other different ways, students or workers. And what we sometimes do doesn’t seem to be very significant in our life. But it is important to God.

He has given us time and talents that we may accomplish many good things for him. The Bible states

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. (Ephesians 2:10)

God also shows this miraculous grace and power through the means of grace. As people consider hearing the word of God or baptism and the Lord’s Supper, it may not seem very important to them, but it is important to God. When we bring a child to be baptized, again, it seems like very little is being done. But as far as God is concerned, he is bringing through faith for that child, the forgiveness that Christ won at the cross by his sacrifice. When we hear the word of God, many people might say it doesn’t seem to have much power, but we know that it is the power of God for the salvation to everyone who believes. When we receive the Lord’s Supper, once again, God is at work, conveying his forgiveness in Christ that we may receive it by faith and have that faith grow.

Gods means, his ordinary means, has made an eternal difference for us. And now God uses us as ordinary people in our daily lives to bring this wonderful means of grace to others. Let us pray.

Dear Lord, we deserve your judgment for all our sins. But you sent Jesus to take away our sins by his sacrifice. Thank you for your forgiveness and for the means through which you brought forgiveness and salvation to us. Please use us as your instruments to bring the good news to all. Amen.

Ken Mellon
Ken Mellon
Articles: 10