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Missing Tile Syndrome
Would you rather hang out with a happy, positive person or a negative person?
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
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Who would you rather spend time with: a person who is happy and positive, or someone who is always sad and negative? I think most people would prefer to spend time with a positive person, a happy person. Have you ever wondered to yourself, how can I be a happier person?
Some time ago, I was reading books about happiness, and one fact stood out to me a very simple fact. Thankfulness leads to happiness. Being thankful will lead to being happy. And the opposite is also true ingratitude leads to sadness.
Have you heard of missing tile syndrome? To explain it. Imagine that you have walked into a beautiful grand theatre and you’re sitting waiting for a performance to begin. As you’re waiting there, you start to look around and you notice the beautiful ceiling above you, hundreds of ornate tiles on that ceiling. But then you notice one of the tiles is missing. And you can’t stop staring at it. It really annoys you. In spite of the fact that there are hundreds of other beautiful tiles on that ceiling, you focus in on that one that’s missing. And in fact, it ruins the entire performance and evening for you.
Many people have what we would call missing tile syndrome. For example, a man who has a bald head, he might focus on the fact that he doesn’t have hair on his head in spite of the many other wonderful things in his life. Maybe he’s very healthy, has a great job, is married to a beautiful wife and has a wonderful family. And yet he dwells on the fact that he has no hair on his scalp and he lets it get him down.
The Lord tells us in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses, 16 through 18. He says,
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
God wants you to be thankful for the many blessings that you have in your life and that will lead you to rejoicing. God has even taken care of things that you are lacking in your life. God wants you to be perfect. He wanted you and me to keep his law, the Ten Commandments, perfectly. And yet we know that there are many pieces of that that are missing in our lives when it comes to his commandments. And yet he sent Jesus to provide what you and I are missing.
Jesus kept the Ten Commandments perfectly in your place and my place, and then Jesus spilled his blood on the cross to wash away all of our failures, all of the ingratitude that we’ve had in our life. And in his resurrection, he demonstrated that all who believe in him will one day enter into eternal life. That place where there will be nothing missing, where there will be nothing that you lack, but rather you will have joy and happiness with the Lord forever. Truly, we have many things to be thankful for. I hope that you have a happy day. Amen.