Blessings in Disguise

Romans 8:28

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There is an old Chinese proverb which tells a story about a farmer. One day, the farmers prize stallion gets loose and runs away. Well, on hearing this bad news, his neighbor comes over and says, “I’m so sorry to hear about your prize horse.” To which the farmer replies, “who knows if it will be good or bad?” Much to the puzzlement of the neighbor who’s thinking to himself, of course, this is bad.

Well, about three days later, the prize stallion returns with five other wild stallions. Well, the neighbor hears is of the farmers windfall and comes over to congratulate him. To which the farmer replies, “Who knows if it will be good or bad?” Again, to the puzzlement of the neighbor who thinks, well, of course, that’s a good thing.

The following week, the farmer’s son is taming one of the wild stallions, and he’s thrown from the horse and breaks his leg. Well, the neighbor hears about this and comes over to sympathize, says, “I’m so sorry to hear about your son’s leg.” To which the farmer replies, “who knows if it will be good or bad?” Again, to the confusion of the neighbor.

Well, then the following day, the army comes to the farm, conscripting any young men who are able to fight in a very deadly war. But the farmer’s son can’t go because his leg is broken.

And so the Chinese proverb could go on and on and on. Kind of a cool saying of the farmer “who knows if it will be good or bad?” We can see that with many events that take place in our lives. This is actually quite a fitting attitude that we could have. So many people look at bad things that happen to them, wrongs that happen in their life, and they mistakenly think that God is punishing them. Maybe for a past sin. But if that were the way that God truly acted, then he would simply destroy all humans because we are all sinful and we deserve his punishment, but God doesn’t work in that way.

Romans 8:28 is a favorite verse for many Christians, it says.

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose,

God is able to take the events and the happenings in your life, and he is able to shape them and mold them so that they will work for your good. Now, remember the good that God has in mind here. He’s not necessarily thinking about some earthly blessing for you. Ultimately, what God wants the most is for you to be with him in heaven, in eternal paradise. That’s the good he wants for you. And it’s with that good in mind that Jesus left his throne of grace to come down to become one of us.

It was for your good that Jesus lived a sinless life. It was for your good that Jesus suffered and died on the cross, bearing all of your sins, all of your shame and wrongs. And it was for your good that Jesus rose again from the dead. Whereby all who believe in him can one day know that they, too will rise to eternal life in heaven.

The Lord certainly has done many wonderful things in our lives. That farmer said “who knows if it will be good or bad?” With the true knowledge of the Lord, you and I can even add to that knowing who knows if it will be good or bad? Ultimately, we know that everything will work for our good because we have a wonderful and loving God. Amen.

Brad Kerkow
Brad Kerkow

Pastor Brad Kerkow currently serves as the Evangelism and Missions Counselor for the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, based in Mankato, MN.

Articles: 18