Does “Good Luck” Exist?

Numbers 6:24-26

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Is there such a thing as good luck? We wish it to our friends as they run on to the sports field. We might say it when someone is going in for a test. Good luck! Of course, if you’re in the performance arts, you never say, good luck. It’s always “break a leg.” Is there such a thing as good luck?

Well, when we use that term, we’re trying to wish the people well. That they would succeed in whatever they’re about to do. But is it up to luck? What should we say if we truly want to see someone succeed? Maybe Moses and Aaron, give us some insight into that. Moses was instructed by God to tell Aaron to bless the people this way. In Numbers chapter six, we read.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

The Lord bless you. That’s wishing someone well. That’s wishing someone success. That they would have a good life. The Lord, bless you and keep you. The Lord, make his face shine upon you. Luck is this idea of chance that everything’s up to the roll of the dice. That’s actually not how our life works. Everything has been planned out. Everything is under the control of the one who created all things: the Lord.

So the Lord, bless you, the Lord, make his face shine upon you, that’s seeking the Lord’s blessings upon all of your efforts. That he would look on you with favor. And give you peace. To look on you with favor is to act graciously towards you. When we look at our lives and how we’ve performed by our own efforts, there’s certainly no reason why God would want to be kind to us, would want to shower his favor upon us. We’ve failed miserably. We’ve failed to be who God wants us to be. And instead of his favor. We deserve his wrath.

We deserve that he would punish us for the ways that we have sinned against him, the ways that we have failed him. But God looks on us with favor. Because he wants to bless us and his favor is most evident in the work that he has done through Jesus the Christ. He sent Jesus to take away all of our failings. So that we could be forgiven. And he sent Jesus to perform the way that God expected us to. Jesus came and he lived a perfect life. He satisfied every one of God’s commandments. His performance was perfect. Because he was perfect. God now smiles on you.

So if you want the Lord’s blessing, Jesus is where you find it. There you find the forgiveness of all your sins. There you find the righteousness that God demands. There you find the door to heaven. ‘Good luck,’ doesn’t even come close. The Lord bless you. That’s what you need. And may he give you his peace, amen.

Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166