Things Can’t Get Any Worse…

2 Timothy 4:18

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You’ve probably heard it said before, or maybe you yourself have said it, things can’t possibly get any worse than they are right now. Funny thing about that, is I’m sure people in previous generations said the exact same thing. I’m sure there were Christians back in the 1960s and 70s as they looked at the world as they saw and witnessed the free love movement, and the legalization of abortion, and all of the war protests. They probably said things can’t possibly get any worse than they are right now. The world is filled with so much evil.

But it did get worse as we went into the 1980s and 90s, as we think of the popularity of drug abuse that took place, especially among our youth. As we think about how commonplace homosexuality and live in relationships became. There were many also there who said things can’t possibly get any worse than they are right now.

But then when the 2000s came we had that big terrorist attack on 9-11 and further terrorist attack. There is multiple economic collapses just within one decade. Things couldn’t possibly get any worse, we said.

And even in the past decade, we think of all of the things that have happened. Legalization of homosexual marriage, as we think about the transgender movement, as we think about even more recently, the riots over racial issues, or police brutality, or even the COVID 19 pandemic. It seems very clear that as bad as we think things are right now, things can always get worse.

That maybe scares us a bit as Christians, as we maybe can feel like the world is completely against us and becoming increasingly so. So we feel like society is attacking us and attacking our faith, and we feel like even the government itself is doing this, maybe even our job too. Trying to convince us that biblical Christianity is only going to lead to bad things in this world. Seems like evil is winning on every side.

Because of this, we can get discouraged. But there’s hope for us. There’s comfort too. Think of the Apostle Paul some two thousand years ago, he experienced persecution in his faith from the world, from society, from even the government too. And yet he said this.

The Lord will rescue me from every evil work and will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him, be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (2 Timothy 4:18)

He gave those comforting words, in his second letter to Timothy to assure him that he was confident that despite all of these evil things happening in the world, despite all of these attacks, even on him, his ministry, and his faith, that God was going to win the victory. That God wins over evil. And that God was going to rescue him and bring him safely to heaven.

What a comfort that is for us as Christians, even in our world today, as things seem to continue to go from bad to worse as we’re attacked on every side for our faith. The place for us to turn is to God and to his word. Trust that the Lord is watching over us through it all. That the Lord will defend us and rescue us ultimately from every evil work. That he has a plan to bring us safely to be with him forever in heaven. That’s a comfort, no matter how bad the world gets. We have a comfort in Christ, our Savior Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 226