Too Small to Pray For

Is it wrong to pray about small stuff, like finding a parking spot or finishing tasks on time? Does God really want to hear about small concerns?

Galatians 3:26, Philippians 4:6

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Have you ever felt a bit foolish when you pray? Maybe thinking that your requests aren’t that big of a deal, you wonder if you should really be bothering God with them? I think part of the reason for this is maybe we ourselves don’t feel all that significant in the big scheme of things. We probably look at the world and we can think of the various Christians out there, many that have very important roles, such as a Christian leader in the church or maybe in government or even in business. We think about them, they’re so much more important than I am.

But God reminds us of this truth, in his word, in Galatians Chapter 3, he tells us.

In fact, you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26)

He tells us that we’re God’s children. We’re his dearly love children through faith in Christ, every one of us! And God doesn’t play favorites. He wants to hear the requests of each of his children, no matter how important or how unimportant, we think that we are compared to the world.

Then there’s that other piece of it, too, right? Concerning our request. We can understand how God might be concerned if we brought those requests of a friend who has cancer to help heal them, or maybe those requests to God that there’d be peace and no war throughout the world, or that more people around the globe come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Those seem big life and death sort of requests that involve a lot of people. Does God really care when I pray, protect me on my ride home from work tonight? Does God really care? God, I hope that I like what we’re having for dinner tonight, or I hope I’m able to get my homework done and able to get to bed at a decent hour.

Well, God wants to hear those requests too. In Philippians 4, he says

Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:6)

In everything. He doesn’t limit it, he says only the big stuff, or only if it involves a lot of people are only if it’s life or death, no, in everything. Whatever the concern that you have, bring it to God. He wants to hear your requests and he wants to help. God even invites us, in his Word, to come to him as our dear father. Invites us to pray, Abba, father, and some translations even translate that as daddy. It’s a very personal way of addressing God. He invites us to come to him in that way, knowing we’re his dear children through faith. He wants to help, he wants to hear just as earthly father cares about his children, loves them, wants to help too.

With that in mind, let us not be afraid to pray to God or afraid that he doesn’t want to hear us. Instead bring every request to him. Let’s pray now.

Dear Lord, God, heavenly father, you invite us to pray at all times for all things. Help was to realize that we are important to you, no matter what our status is in this world. We are your children and you want to hear our prayers. Help us to bring them to you regularly and freely, knowing that you’ll help us for Jesus sake. We ask this all in his name. Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 224