Don’t Make Me Rich! (Or Poor)

Proverbs 30:8-9

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In the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 30, the inspired writer says this.

Do not give me poverty or riches. (Proverbs 30:8)

Seems like a wise saying, doesn’t it? But is it something that you’d really pray to God, do not give me poverty or riches? I think many of us maybe would want to just tweak that a little bit to say do not give me poverty, but only riches, after all, we think about the tremendous benefits and blessings that comes from having wealth, from having riches. Might think if having a little is good. Well, having more, what would be so bad about that?

But the writer goes on to say this:

Give me food in the amount that is right for me. Too much, and I may feel satisfied and deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” Too little, and I may become poor and steal and profane the name of my God. (Proverbs 30:8-9)

You know, the writer explains the danger for him to be impoverished. He worries that if he’s in poverty, he’s going to be tempted to steal or is going to be tempted to curse God. On the other hand, if he has an overabundance of wealth, he maybe thinks that all of his needs are satisfied. So what use is there for God?

It’s very clear what the writer is concerned about. He’s not so concerned about his material possessions, he’s concerned about his relationship with God. He’s concerned about his faith. And so he prays this give me food in the amount that is right for me. What an awesome prayer that is asking that God would give us what is best for us, thinking about what is most important, protecting our faith in Jesus Christ.

Is that always our top priority when it comes to this life? A lot of times we think about how much we don’t have or wish we had more. Maybe it seems that all of our life can be trying to acquire more and more stuff, more and more riches to make sure that our future is secure. What is most important isn’t it our faith in God? Faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ, who forgives all of our sins? Faith in him, who promises not just a few years of a nice retirement here on this earth, but in eternity, forever, in that perfect place called heaven. And so we pray, give me food in the amount that is right for me.

Here’s an interesting thought. What if God has already answered that prayer? That’s not so strange to consider, is it? God knows everything, and God certainly wants us to be saved, come to the knowledge of the truth, be with him forever in heaven. Is so far fetched to believe that God has not already answered that prayer to give us our food in the amount that is right for us? How does that change your perception on wealth or the things that you have? That God has provided what’s best for you because he’s most concerned not with all of your material blessings that you have, but he’s concerned about your relationship with him and he wants to keep that secure. He wants to keep you close to him.

Yes, may God ever help us to focus on what is most important, focus on our faith and our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ, may we ever pray, give me food in the amount that is right for me, Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 226