Day 3 – Part 2

Genesis 1:11, Isaiah 40:8

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Hi, guys, I’m Pastor Pittenger. Today, we’re going to talk about the third day of creation, what God made on all that dry land when he made the seas. So this is from Genesis, chapter 1. This is verse 11.

And God said, let the earth sprout vegetation plants yielding seed and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And it was so. (Genesis 1:11)

So a seed is inside the fruit and the fruit is usually on the stem of a branch. Now, many plants and many trees, which God created on that third day, they have flowers. I found a flower that I can show to you here. So they have flowers and what a flower is, well, usually the flower comes before the fruit comes or before the seed comes.

What are flowers? Well, flowers are pretty. Can you think of any names of flowers? Can you name any? What’s your mom’s favorite flower? That’s something all kids should know so they can make sure and pick her flowers that she likes. But what are flowers? Well, flowers are bright and pretty and smelly. They usually smell good not all the time, but usually they smell nice. But they’re that part of the plant that helps the plant make fruit and make seeds inside that fruit.

What happens is this. So some animals like maybe a bat and some birds and lots of different bugs and insects, they’ll come in to the flower to get a drink of that sweet smelling stuff. We call it nectar. And then they’ll move on and they’ll go over to another flower. And when they move to that second flower, sometimes they’ll have bits of the first flower stuck to them and it’ll rub off in the second flower. And when that happens, then the flower will wither away pretty soon because the plant is now going to start making seeds and fruit to surround that seed. This is God’s way of making sure that there will be more seeds to plant, to grow more flowers or trees or vegetables, and that there will be fruit for people and for animals to eat.

Well, just as one seed gets planted. And later there are lots and lots of seeds and so lots and lots of more flowers. God says that his Word works exactly like that. Listen to this reading. This is from Isaiah, Chapter 40. It’s verse 8. Here, the Bible says,

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8)

So there the prophet Isaiah talks about flowers, but he talks about them withering away and dying. But what did Isaiah say would remain or endure or stand forever? He said the Word of God. God doesn’t change his mind, which means God doesn’t change what his word says, which is really good news for us, because in God’s word, here is where we learn about our Savior Jesus. And how God loved us in Jesus. And how Jesus lived and how Jesus died and how Jesus rose again for us. Jesus loves me, this, I know, for the Bible tells me so. We’ll see you guys later. Goodbye.

Tony Pittenger
Tony Pittenger

Pastor Tony Pittenger currently serves Bethany Lutheran Church in Port Orchard, WA.

Articles: 20