Day 3

Did you know we know more about the Moon than we do about the bottom of the ocean? Today we're joined by Pastor Pittenger to talk about Day 3 of creation.

Genesis 1:9-10, Micah 7:19

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Hi you guys, is Pastor Pittenger again, and today we’re going to read about the third day of creation. So this is from Genesis 1, this is verses 9 and 10.

And God said, let the waters underneath the heavens be gathered together into one place and let dry land appear. And it was so God called the dry land earth and the waters that were gathered together. He called seas and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:9-10)

So as God created all that water and separated it from up above and down below, then he gathered those waters into places like ponds and lakes and rivers, but eventually all those things end up in the ocean or in seas.

Did you know that oceans or the sea is so big that it wasn’t until just a few hundred years ago that people found a way to safely sail across the ocean or the sea? That means that for thousands and thousands of years, people couldn’t cross them and get to new places. The seas were just too large and it was too hard to know where you were to navigate. And the waves were too strong for the little boats that people were making.

Well, not today. Today ships sail back and forth across the ocean, submarines, and even scuba divers travel underneath the waves. But still, God’s seas are still quite a mystery to us. Scientists say that they know more about the moon out in space like, four hundred thousand miles away, then they know about the ocean. I live one mile from the ocean. And we know more about the moon than it.

God created the seas to be very, very deep in places, the deepest spot in the world is called Challenger Deep. It’s a place so deep that if you could pick up the biggest mountain, the tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, you could drop it down in that place and it would go underwater completely. It would disappear and you wouldn’t be able to see it. That’s how deep the ocean is.

So I want you to pretend that you’re on a ship and you’re floating out there over that spot in the ocean. Now, pretend that you reached in your pocket and you could pull out rocks, stones from your pocket. And each stone had written on it your sins. Bad things, naughty things, that you had done when you didn’t listen to your mom and dad, when you didn’t obey God’s word, pull all those rocks out. What would happen if you went over to the railing, the side of the ship, and you dropped them into the sea? Well if that giant mountain disappeared, these little stones would disappear as well. They’d be gone and no one could ever find them again.

Listen to the second Bible reading that I have for you today. It’s from Micah chapter 7, verse 19 here, God says:

You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)

Except God doesn’t take us on an ocean voyage to get rid of our sins. No, in Jesus, God has promised that our sins have been forgiven and washed away and they’re completely gone. God says he doesn’t even remember them. And so in Jesus, we are new people, forgiven and loved and free. Love him in return.

The Bible tells me so.

We’ll see you guys later.

Tony Pittenger
Tony Pittenger

Pastor Tony Pittenger currently serves Bethany Lutheran Church in Port Orchard, WA.

Articles: 20