The True Vine

John 15:1,3,8

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Hi! Pastor Nelson over at St. Paul’s in North Mankato, and for a few devotions here, I just want to study this idea of being connected to Jesus. In John Chapter 15, Jesus talks about how he’s the vine and we’re the branches. For me, this is a really neat time to look this over. We just had confirmation at our church and this was the sermon text for that. And it’s a special one for me because my oldest son was confirmed too.

And over and over in this section. Jesus says, remain in me as I remain in you. And that’s where you’re going to get your power and your strength. So that’s my prayer for my son, that he always remains in Christ. And that’s my prayer for all of those students who were confirmed and professed their faith on that day that they would remain faithful to Christ. It’s my prayer for you too.

Listen to what Jesus says about how he’s the vine and we are the branches. Verse 1 says,

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” (John 15:1)

He goes on in verse three to say,

“You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. My Father is glorified by this: that you continue to bear much fruit and prove to be my disciples. (John 15:3,8)

Jesus is the true vine. And how did we get connected to Christ? Well, for most of us, it’s happened at our baptism where we were grafted in. We were connected to Jesus. Our faith was watered and nourished and started. And now we have life because we’re connected to him. How is our faith sustained and how does it grow and how are we strengthened? Well, Jesus said we are already clean. Our sins have been forgiven because of the word I have spoken to you. It’s God, God’s word that keeps us connected to Christ and in the faith.

And now for these new confirmation students who are now confirmed members of the church. Now, they’ll also begin to receive this other life sustaining blessing from God of the Lord’s Supper. Where we’re connected to him and now he takes this fruit of the vine, this wine that is also his blood and this bread that’s also his body, to strengthen their faith. And I pray to strengthen your faith and to keep you connected to Christ, too.

So maybe for you, it’s been a while since you’ve reconnected with church or with God’s word. Jesus encourages us today. He is the vine. We are the branches remain in him. Now, there were a lot of dads and moms, too, who at confirmation were so proud and just in a little way so full of glory and happiness. Well, what does God say about us? All of this, this remaining in Christ, this growing in him, it is all to my Father’s glory as we bear much fruit and show ourselves to be his disciples. There’s a dad who is so proud and who is so glorified as you remain in him.

Marques Nelson
Marques Nelson

Pastor Marques Nelson currently serves the Beacon Lutheran Campus Center in the Mankato area.

Articles: 52