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You Break It, You Buy It
John 19:30
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My wife would often take my oldest kids thrift shopping when they were little. She ingrained a rule into them. You break it, you buy it. As they looked at the glass things, and the toys, she would often say “remember, you break it, you buy it.”
One day she took them thrift shopping and even of course she could say it, they responded, “Yeah, Mom, we know, you break it, you buy it.”
You break it, you buy it. That is the way that life functions. We can make choices and do things. Then we have to pay for it. Some of the choices, some of the things that we do, have much greater cost.
God says that because of the sinful choices and the sinful things we’ve done we deserve to die. He says You break my law, you buy it. You die. But God has done something wonderful. He did not want you to have to pay for that. And so he himself came and he says “You break it, and I will buy it.”
When Jesus was on the cross suffering he was suffering for your sins. He was suffering for the sinful choices and actions that you have committed. And at the end of his life just before he died, he cried out.
It is finished. (John 19:30)
With that statement. Jesus was telling you that he has bought it. That your sins are paid for and that you forgiven. When you look at your life and you see all the rules and commands that you have broken and you know that you have to pay for it, be of good cheer. Because Jesus had paid it for you. It is finished. Your sins are forgiven. Amen.