Waiting: The Posture of Faith

Psalm 130:5

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God has graciously granted me and my wife six children. And I don’t tell you that because I’m about to open up a Go Fund Me page, not yet anyway. I do tell you though because on a daily basis my children astound me. Sometimes with their thoughtfulness, sometimes it’s with their memory, sometimes it’s with their humor, but almost every day they amaze me with their impatience. Almost every day. Maybe many times each day.

I probably don’t even have to belabor you with all of the different ways that can show itself. After I told you I have six kids you might have just gotten tired thinking about the impatience. Maybe the only thing that amazes me even more than their impatience on a daily basis would be my own.

My own impatience.

Whether it’s with them or with work or with members of congregation or brothers or sisters. My own impatience. Maybe you experience the same thing. Impatience at the heart of that sin, there is an arrogance. A pride that assumes that I know exactly what I should have and even more, when I should have it.

Curiously, or maybe not so curiously, the Scriptures put that patience to rest. In fact, they call upon us in faith to do the opposite. To wait. The Psalmist writes

I wait for the Lord. My soul waits, and in his word I have put my hope. (Psalm 130:5)

Waiting is the life of the Christian faith. It is the posture of faith, if you will, it’s how faith sits. It waits. It waits for that which it does not yet have in grasp. In faith, we wait for the things that are uncertain, that we desire, or ask the Lord for. So we might pray while we wait Lord, Thy will be done. And for those things that are most certainly promised to us, faith says Amen. Yes. Yes. It shall be so.

And so in faith granted by God and through His Word we also then pray with the psalmist. I wait for the Lord my soul waits. And in his word I put my hope. In Jesus. Amen.

Kyle Madson
Kyle Madson

Pastor Kyle Madson currently serves at Norseland Lutheran Church, and Norwegian Grove Lutheran Church in rural St. Peter, Minnesota.

Articles: 51