A Savior for Fools

Psalm 111:10

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How wise do you consider yourself? I’ve made some foolish choices. I remember back to my childhood I think I just learned to ride a bicycle. And the neighborhood friends convinced me to ride over a jump. I sped up, hit the jump, flew well, but landed very poorly. A foolish choice.

One day I went into work and decided to walk through an area that had just been blasted. The vibrations from my footsteps were enough to cause a three ton rock to fall right behind me. A foolish choice.

When you look back on your choices, what helps you determine if it was a good or foolish choice? Often we identify those foolish choices as the times that we did not consider or recognize the danger that we were in. We didn’t fully comprehend our situation.

In Psalm 111 it is written.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Psalm 111:10)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Do you have a proper understanding of your situation? If you are ignoring the divine, if you are ignoring the Lord, you’re about to make some foolish choices.

God’s law shows us what he demands of our lives: that we are to live without sin, never lying, never lusting, never stealing, never hating, that’s what he demands. And he also reveals that our sins put us in grave danger.

The wages of sin is death, he declares. Do you fear the Lord? If you don’t fear him you won’t flee from the danger you are in.

God has not only warned us of the danger, he has pointed us to a place of safety: his Son, Jesus the Christ. God sent him to bear all of our sins, to take all of our lies, lust, anger, hatred, as his very own, and to suffer and die in our place. God loves you, and wants you to be safe through faith in Jesus. So be wise, run to him, know that in him your sins are forgiven. And in him there is a place of eternal safety for you.

So how wise do you consider yourself? I’ve made some foolish choices. Maybe you would admit the same. Run to Jesus, the Savior of fools like you and me, and receive his peace. Amen.

Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166