Ask Boldly

Ephesians 6:16

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One of my daughters has a birthday coming up. She took the opportunity yesterday to make a list of gifts suggestions. On the top of that list was a computer and an iPad. One of my sons was upset that she had put a computer and an iPad on the top of the list. He couldn’t believe that she would ask for such a big gift.

Well, maybe my son’s thoughts are really in connection with me and not her. Does he think that I can provide the gift or not? If I was filthy rich he’d probably have no problem with that gift being asked for, but maybe he knows better.

When you approach your Father in heaven, what type of gifts are you asking for? In Ephesians chapter 6 Paul said this:

At every opportunity, pray in the Spirit with every kind of prayer and petition.

You have a Father in heaven who loves you and was willing to give you his own Son so that you could be forgiven. There is nothing that he will withhold from you. Everything he gives you will be for your good.

So what type of petitions, what type of requests, will you bring? They certainly should be bold. They should be bold enough for the person that you are asking. You are coming to a great king who loves you. So ask. Ask that he forgive your sins. Ask that he healed you of diseases. Ask that he fix your family and your marriage. Ask. He loves you. He is all powerful. He will give you what is best. Ask. Amen.

Come, my soul, with every care;
Jesus loves to answer prayer.
He himself bids you to pray
And will never turn away.

You are coming to a king—
Large petitions with you bring,
For his grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much.

With my burden I begin:
Lord, remove this load of sin;
Let your blood, for sinners spilt,
Set my conscience free from guilt.

While I am a pilgrim here,
Let your love my spirit cheer.
As my guide, my guard, my friend,
Lead me to my journey's end.
Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166