Can we play catch?

Romans 8:15

Is God Too Busy For You?

Dad had promised to play catch with his son, yet all week it seemed like he was too busy. Even when he came home from work after supper he’d continually be working on his computer.

Finally the boy got up enough courage to ask his dad “can we play catch?” the dad responded “of course son.” As they’re heading out the door the father wondered though, “why didn’t you bring this to me earlier?” The boy said” I thought you were just too busy.” The father responded “Son I’m never too busy for you. Bring anything to me anytime.”

Sometimes we’re like that little boy when it comes to our Heavenly Father. Thinking that God is just too busy to hear about the little things in life. To bring our concerns our wants and needs before him.

Yeah maybe if it’s serious, maybe if it’s life and death, but even the little things? Even the conflicts we have at school or work? Even the troubles with our children or spouse? Even those things God?

God tells us in Romans chapter 8 verse 15:

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” –Romans 8:15

God reminds us that we are not his slaves. There’s no reason to be afraid of God, to bring our requests to him, but rather through faith in His Son Jesus Christ we are his dear children, and he invites us to even call him Abba – daddy. To make those requests to him at any time for any need.

Today I invite you to remember the sonship that you have through faith in your Savior Jesus Christ. No matter what it is to bring your requests, your prayers, to God. He promises to hear you. Amen.

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Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 224