Tag prayer

Thoughts and Prayers

You're in my thoughts and prayers. We see this phrase a lot online, today Pastor Tim Hartwig explains why this saying is so comforting and encourages you to take everything to God in prayer.

When God Says “No”

Do you ever wonder if God answered your prayer? Sometimes we pray for things and nothing happens right away, or the trouble goes away for a little bit, but then comes right back. As Christians we can still find peace and joy, even when our prayers are answered with a "no." Let's join Pastor Moldstad to learn more.

Prayer Life

Psalm 119:171 Have you ever wished that your prayer life was more fluent? Came about more easily? Naturally? It’s a natural thing for a Christian to want or desire such a thing, to be more fluent or efficient in prayer.…

Are you Anxious?

Philippians 4:6 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Does something have you up late at night, tossing and turning, cold sweats? Something gnawing at your stomach? What has you anxious? Relationship? Health? School? Finances? What are we to do…

Table Prayer

Psalm 106:1b From little on, I remember our family saying the common table prayer before our meals. Part of that prayer is from Psalm 106 verse 6: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever.…

Can we play catch?

Romans 8:15 Is God Too Busy For You? Dad had promised to play catch with his son, yet all week it seemed like he was too busy. Even when he came home from work after supper he’d continually be working…