Tag jesus

Don’t Believe in Bricks

Are all religions the same? 🤔Is one religion better than another? What makes Christianity different? Answers: No. Yes. And Pastor Matt Moldstad answers the last question in today's video.

Perfect Life, Perfect Love

Does your attitude affect your kindness? Does pain affect your ability to love? Thank God for Jesus! Today Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us how Jesus still lived and loved perfectly, even as he was nailed to a cross. And the best part? He did it in your place.

Words from the Cross 2

Have you ever been rejected? We fear rejection because it hurts. Are you hurting? Are you worried? Uncertain? Today we bring you the comforting words of Jesus. Do you know someone in need of comfort? Share the love of Jesus with them today.

Connected to Jesus

Are you connected to Jesus? Do you worry if you've done enough, as a Christian to get to heaven? Be of good cheer! Today Pastor Matt Moldstad has a message of peace and good news, specifically for you. What a great way to start the week!

Words from the Cross 1

What's your favorite board game? It feels great when the game is going well, but it feels bad when other players make you pay and it can be easy to hold a grudge. Today we join Pastor Tim Hartwig at the foot of the cross to hear Jesus' words of mercy and forgiveness both for those hurting him and for you.

Ash Wednesday

What's up with ashes on foreheads? Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lent and Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us what Lent is all about.

I Love Lent

What's your favorite holiday? Most people wouldn't choose Lent when answering that question. Today Pastor Matt Moldstad tells us why he loves the Lenten season so much and why you should too.

Jesus, Transfigured

Ever shine a flashlight through your hand? What if your hand glowed like a flashlight? Today we reflect on Jesus' Transfiguration with Pastor Timothy Hartwig.

(Transfiguration means a complete change of form or appearance.)

The Lord’s Supper

Matthew 26:26-28 What is the Lord’s Supper all about? Is it all about something we are doing for God? That we’re showing our faithfulness that we’re remembering him? After all didn’t Jesus say ‘do this in remembrance of me’? I’ve…