Tag prayer

Who Do We Thank?

The United States, like many other countries around the world, celebrates a day of Thanksgiving. Maybe it begs the question, who do we thank?

Professional Worrier

It's a silly story, but it is fun to think that we have someone who does the worrying for us here and we don't have to pay for it at all.

Spiritual Breathing

Today we focus on prayer. What is your prayer life like? Be encouraged that even when our prayer life could use improvement, Jesus is there, being the perfect pray-er in our place.

Praying Back Promises

Jesus tells us to "ask whatever we wish." What does he mean by this? Is this like a Christmas list we might send to Santa? Pastor Marques Nelson has the answer.

Too Busy to Pray

I have so much to do today, I don't have time to pray. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that way? So hectic, so busy, so much to do, so much pressure, I just don't have time to sit down and pray.