Tag christmas

What Does Your Name Mean?

What does your name mean? Does your name carry significance or did your parents just like the sound of your name? Today Pastor Don Moldstad tells us about Jesus' name and what it means.

Wise Men in Jerusalem

Matthew 2:6, Micah 5:2 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook There must have been quite a stir that day in Jerusalem. Scholarly men from the East had traveled hundreds of miles following a miracle star that they said was…

What’s up with the Wise Men?

Isaiah 49:6 What’s up with the wise men? Around this time of year we see a lot of nativity scenes and of course there’s Mary and Joseph, and the baby, also some shepherds and some sheep, and some cattle thrown…

Born Holy

Every time I’ve held one of my newborn babies in my arms for the first time I’ve just been filled with awe. You look down at those cute eyes and you see those little fingers and it’s just amazing what…

How far would you go?

Watch on YouTube Luke 2:11 How far would you be willing to go to show someone that you love them? In 1972 Charlie Duke was driving the lunar rover when he stopped, jumped out, and placed a picture of his…