Can I still be forgiven if I keep on sinning?
Have you noticed how often the Bible uses contrast to teach truths?
Well, it's early February, and so just the other day, the nation once again observed Groundhog's Day.
Two American soldiers on an American troops ship came up to their chaplain and asked this question: “Do you believe in hell?”
Revenge feels good if someone hurts us. Our natural reaction is to try to pay them back, to make them feel that same sort of pain that we felt.
Today, I want to share with you part of a verse from the book of Romans. And it's not even a whole verse.
That fever will actually cause our body or help our body to overcome the sickness, and throwing up can actually expel whatever's causing the problem to get out of our stomach and get out of our system. It's interesting to think about those things as terrible as they are to go through that they actually can be beneficial, ultimately, good for us.
You ever served on jury duty? That's a pretty good picture, pretty good illustration, of what the Bible calls justification.
Have you ever been punched in the gut so much that you've just had the wind knocked out of you?
What does every hospital need? Hospitals, of course, need a lot of doctors and a lot of nurses, but they also need a lot of patients.
When we consider the Triune God, sometimes it makes our minds hurt. It is a mystery how there can be three persons and yet one God at the exact same time. And for many people this bothers them because they can't wrap their minds around it. How about you?
When we try to comprehend a little bit of who God is, it's really difficult for us. It's such a tremendous contrast to who we are.