Timothy Hartwig

Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

What is God Doing?

What is God doing? When things happen that we don't understand we often stand and demand that God give us an answer. What is he doing? We're expecting God to justify his actions to us. That's actually role reversal.

Is God Punishing Us?

Hebrews 12:5-7 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Is God punishing us? Is that why he sent this virus? To torment us? He’s unhappy and he’s sitting up in heaven taking out his revenge upon us? Is God punishing…

Losing Your House

Do you have debt? A mortgage? Loans? What about spiritual debt? Do you worry about paying your debt to God? God has charged your debt to Jesus.

A Savior for Fools

How wise are you? Pastor Hartwig has has made some foolish choices, maybe you have too. Be wise when it comes to your relationship with Jesus.

Stumbling in the Dark

Psalm 119:105 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Every day before I went underground I would go to the lamp room and take the battery off the charger and then hook a lamp to the hard hat on my…