Tag peace


What does it mean to "have mercy?" We often say (or sing) this in church, have you ever wondered why? Today Pastor Kyle Madson explains what this means and why it's the most important prayer we have.

Words from the Cross 2

Have you ever been rejected? We fear rejection because it hurts. Are you hurting? Are you worried? Uncertain? Today we bring you the comforting words of Jesus. Do you know someone in need of comfort? Share the love of Jesus with them today.

Jesus, Transfigured

Ever shine a flashlight through your hand? What if your hand glowed like a flashlight? Today we reflect on Jesus' Transfiguration with Pastor Timothy Hartwig.

(Transfiguration means a complete change of form or appearance.)

Forgiveness for you!

Acts 2:38, Matthew 26:27-28 Have you ever been sitting in church and heard the pastor say “your sins are forgiven,” but maybe thought to yourself “yeah, maybe for everyone else pastor, but not for me. If you only knew the…

Am I Truly Repentant?

John 16:8 Have you ever wondered am I truly repentant? Or am I sorry enough? We know what God’s word says, that it demands you repent and believe the gospel. But have we repented enough? God tells us something extremely…

The Hem of Jesus’ Robe

Luke 8:48 Jesus had reached almost rockstar status. Wherever he traveled a crowd was around him even pushing up against him and touching him. One day there was a woman in that crowd who really wanted to touch Jesus. She…

How to Repay Jesus?

Matthew 25:40 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook You ever struggled to find the right gift for somebody, because it seems as though they have everything they would want or everything they would need? Somebody that’s perfectly contented with…

Jesus… Huh?

Luke 10:25-28 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Luke chapter 10, beginning at verse 25, we hear this story. On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do…