Tag peace

Perfect Resolutions

Luke 9:51 Watch on YouTube You’ve had a bit of time, what’s the list like? Is it perfectly completed? Does it look curiously like last year’s list? Maybe even exactly, because it needed rework? Resolutions can be good discipline for…

Are you Anxious?

Philippians 4:6 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Does something have you up late at night, tossing and turning, cold sweats? Something gnawing at your stomach? What has you anxious? Relationship? Health? School? Finances? What are we to do…

Why are we so busy?

Psalm 127:1-2 As a family sometimes our schedule can get crazy. We think about all the things we have to do: pick up Billy from school, drop off Johnny at soccer practice, bring Susie to ballet, and rush home for…