You may have heard that there are some concerns about the supply chain, whether we'll have all the things that we want to get for Christmas. Are you worried about Christmas being disrupted?
If you knew your house was going to be broken into, what would you do?
What must I do to get inherit eternal life? That was the question that a man had for Jesus.
There's an interesting story that takes place during Jesus ministry...
This summer, I spent a couple of weeks at my father-in-law's cabin. There's always a boat tied on the dock. This year, I noticed that the ropes that hold the boat are starting to fray from chafing against the dock and the boat.
Jesus said some crazy things. Often Jesus is spoken of as a good moral teacher, but is Jesus a lunatic?
Today we take a close look at Jesus' miracle of healing the blind man and thank God for giving us all spiritual sight.
Old seeds were thought to be dead, but they grew into trees and produced fruit. Some say that God's Word is old and dead, but it grows and produces fruit as well.
My son was terrified. He'd made a mistake and his efforts to clean up only made things worse. When was the last time you tried to fix a mistake, but only managed to make a bigger mess of things?
At the Louvre, you walk up to the Mona Lisa and you think "I could do better." So you pull out your paints and you start making some changes...
Today's devotion is for people who struggle spending time in God's Word.
Our natural reaction to laws is to think that it's not for our benefit, it just intrudes on me doing what I want to do on my fun and my joy. But laws are meant for our benefit.