Tag jesus

A Light Burden

Jesus provides rest for our soul, freedom from guilt, and peace in the knowledge that our sins have been forgiven. Join us for a few minutes of rest today.

Do Christians Ever Wish for Death?

If you've ever struggled with depression, know this: God loves you. God has a plan for you. God loved you so much he traded his only Son for your redemption. If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, talk to your pastor right away. ELS pastors are trained in biblical counseling and can help you navigate finding psychological and medical treatment.

All is Complete

Have you ever seen a glass that is so full the water is bubbling over the top? That's a picture of what Christ has done for you.

Palm Sunday Parade

What is your favorite thing about parades? The parade for Jesus on Palm Sunday was joyous, but Jesus wasn't going to Jerusalem to celebrate. He was going so that YOU can celebrate with him in Heaven.

What are the Odds?

Do you know how many prophesies Jesus fulfilled? What are the odds of that? It isn't simply chance, it's proof that Jesus is who he says he is: God. And he came for you.