Month October 2019

You Are Under Attack

The devil is on the attack. He is methodical. He is scheming ways to pull you away from the salvation offered by Christ. How can we equip ourselves to stand against him? Join us for a few minutes as Pastor Don Moldstad tells us about the protection we have against the devil.

I Know the Way to Heaven

This one simple thing can get you into heaven for free. The devil doesn't want you to know about it, but we want to share it with the world. ✝️💗🌎

“I Forgive You”

When someone says "I'm sorry," how do you respond? Do you say "That's okay. Don't worry about" or do you say "I forgive you"? It's reassuring to hear forgiveness, even for minor things. How great is it though to be forgiven by God?

How Much $ Do You Have?

How much do you have in your bank account? It's important to know how much money you have but it is inappropriate to make that your focus. What should we focus on instead? Join us for some time in the Word this morning.

Peace Devotions Is 2 Years Old

Peace Devotions is two years old! Thank you for your support and thank you for the opportunity to share God’s word with you. In the last two years we have created over 300 videos. That’s eleven and a half hours…