Tag tim

I Wish I Could Start Over

Do you ever wish you could start over? Have a clean slate? A new beginning? There's a way you can. Join Pastor Tim Hartwig today as he shares a message of love and forgiveness.

What is Hope?

How certain is your hope? We hope for a lot of things in life and many of those things are uncertain. Today Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us about something of which we can be certain: hope through Jesus

Happy Tax Day

Do you pay taxes? Do you know what the Bible says about taxes? Jesus actually talked about taxes. We join Pastor Tim Hartwig today to focus on the words from Jesus concerning taxes and what our attitude toward them should be.

500 Witnesses

How many people would it take to convince you that something really happened? Five? Ten? 15? 20? A hundred? What about five hundred? A lot of people saw Jesus after he rose from the dead. Join us today, praising God for his mercy and love!

40 Days

After Jesus was raised from the dead he spent 40 days teaching his disciples. Why did he do this? Today we join Pastor Hartwig as he talks about the importance of Jesus' work after his resurection.

Evidence for Thomas

Do you doubt that Jesus rose from the dead? So did Thomas. Jesus gave Thomas the evidence he needed to know for sure. Jesus also provides that evidence for you. Join us today as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ.

Did Jesus Really Die?

Did Jesus really die? Today Pastor Hartwig tells us why we can be absolutely certain that Jesus really died on the cross and that he really rose again. Praise be to God!

It is Finished.

Jesus came down to Earth for a very specific purpose. As he was dying on the cross he wanted YOU to know that his mission was fulfilled. "It is finished." What was his mission? Pastor Tim Hartwig has the details. Join us today.

This Holy Week we encourage you to spend some time in the Bible. Whether it's on your own or with people the people you love set aside a few minutes of your day to read God's Word.