My son was terrified. He'd made a mistake and his efforts to clean up only made things worse. When was the last time you tried to fix a mistake, but only managed to make a bigger mess of things?
Someone that has reached the pinnacle of the golf, you would think that, man, there's nothing left for them to learn. But he constantly wanted someone watching his swing. Everyone needs a swing coach.
When have you felt like an imposter? When have you felt unworthy? As we finish up our series on Imposter Syndrome Pastor Abrahamson reminds us that God is not afraid of our flaws.
Did you know we know more about the Moon than we do about the bottom of the ocean? Today we're joined by Pastor Pittenger to talk about Day 3 of creation.
Many years before I became a pastor, I really spent a lot of my summer wakeboarding and I remember a friend of mine one day came out on the boat with us and he decided to snap a few pictures.
Sometimes we have bad ideas and we make bad decisions. God had a good idea which was to send Jesus to take your place. Your sins are forgiven. You are at peace with God.
God feels furthest away when we're in the middle of a temptation. Yet, we're not alone. Jesus has faced similar temptations and when he answered them, he did it for you.
Do you have debt? A mortgage? Loans? What about spiritual debt? Do you worry about paying your debt to God? God has charged your debt to Jesus.
Jesus died for all your sins. Does this mean it's okay to keep sinning?
Why doesn't just God just come and rid the world of evil?
We often complain about how bad things are... but why aren't they worse? If the world is full of selfish sinful people, why aren't things worse?
The devil is on the attack. He is methodical. He is scheming ways to pull you away from the salvation offered by Christ. How can we equip ourselves to stand against him? Join us for a few minutes as Pastor Don Moldstad tells us about the protection we have against the devil.