Tag jesus

Hold on To Jesus

Luke 2:28-32 How would you respond if you saw the baby Jesus? What would you do? When Jesus’ parents Mary and Joseph took him to the temple there was a man waiting there to see him. His name was Simeon.…

Healing and Forgiveness

Matthew 9:8, John 20:22b-23a In the bible we hear a story about a paralyzed man whose friends want to bring him to Jesus to be healed. When they arrive at the house where Jesus is at it’s full of people…

Born Holy

Every time I’ve held one of my newborn babies in my arms for the first time I’ve just been filled with awe. You look down at those cute eyes and you see those little fingers and it’s just amazing what…

How far would you go?

Watch on YouTube Luke 2:11 How far would you be willing to go to show someone that you love them? In 1972 Charlie Duke was driving the lunar rover when he stopped, jumped out, and placed a picture of his…

A Message for You

Luke 2:8-12 We were lying on our backs staring up at the night sky. My dad had cleared some land and pushed the brush up into a huge pile and we were burning it. In the glow of the fire…

You Don’t Have to Wait

Galatians 4:4-5 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of…

A Great Light

Isaiah 9:2 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook The Oak Island lighthouse is the brightest lighthouse in the United States. 14 million candlepower. It can be seen at over 20 miles out to sea. Sailors moving up and down…

Are You Going to Heaven?

Acts 16:31, 1 John 5:13 Years ago there was an evangelism program that encouraged Christians to ask their neighbor: ‘If you were to die today, would you go to heaven?’ How would you respond to that question? Even the most…

Why be a Christian?

1 Corinthians 15:20-22 About a year ago, someone posed a question for me. He asked “why should I be a Christian and not a follower of another religion, like Hinduism or Buddhism?” That’s a tough question. He provided the answer…

Dealing with Guilt

2 Corinthians 7:10 Do you ever feel terrible for something that you’ve done? Maybe you gossiped and later realized how hurtful your words were. Maybe you lied and later realized how could I be that person? How could I have…

Are you a good person?

Many people today feel that from a moral perspective they are just fine. Many people will say "I'm a good person." And in the darkness of the world that's easy to say.

Are you Anxious?

Philippians 4:6 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Does something have you up late at night, tossing and turning, cold sweats? Something gnawing at your stomach? What has you anxious? Relationship? Health? School? Finances? What are we to do…