Christians and non-Christians alike are familiar with the symbol of the cross. Here's a big question for us to consider. Did Jesus need to die on the cross?
If you've ever read or studied the book Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament, you know that it can be a little bit gloomy.
Over the course of my ministry, I've often asked people if they think they're going to go to heaven when they die.
Well, it's early February, and so just the other day, the nation once again observed Groundhog's Day.
The mission work of the church is not intended to be an afterthought of Christianity.
Are you familiar with the Year of Jubilee? Jesus came to pay your debt and grant you God's favor.
Human beings and the world were designed together. This world provides for us everything that we need in order to get by.
We know that with the advent of the Internet that we have an endless supply of worldly, silly myths that we could investigate.
Jesus uses a very simple explanation about two different approaches to life, two different ways of going through life, and ultimately to different final destinations.
Two American soldiers on an American troops ship came up to their chaplain and asked this question: “Do you believe in hell?”
A few years ago, I went whitewater rafting. I was so excited for the trip. I was looking forward to the adventure.
Revenge feels good if someone hurts us. Our natural reaction is to try to pay them back, to make them feel that same sort of pain that we felt.