Tag forgiveness

Words from the Cross 1

What's your favorite board game? It feels great when the game is going well, but it feels bad when other players make you pay and it can be easy to hold a grudge. Today we join Pastor Tim Hartwig at the foot of the cross to hear Jesus' words of mercy and forgiveness both for those hurting him and for you.

Nathan’s Story

A rich man kills a poor man's lamb to feed his guest. How does the king respond? And how does this apply to you, today? Pastor Tim Hartwig brings a message of sin and forgiveness.

Forgiveness for you!

Acts 2:38, Matthew 26:27-28 Have you ever been sitting in church and heard the pastor say “your sins are forgiven,” but maybe thought to yourself “yeah, maybe for everyone else pastor, but not for me. If you only knew the…

“Am I a Christian?”

Ephesians 2:1, 1 Corinthians 12:3 Have you ever wondered whether or not you’re truly a Christian? There’s maybe been times in your life when you felt extremely close to God, when you feel him maybe even literally at work in…

Am I Truly Repentant?

John 16:8 Have you ever wondered am I truly repentant? Or am I sorry enough? We know what God’s word says, that it demands you repent and believe the gospel. But have we repented enough? God tells us something extremely…

Our Good Samaritan

Romans 5:8, 10a Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Luke chapter 10 Jesus tells a very familiar story often referred to as the Good Samaritan. It’s a story of an incredible man who would risk his own security to…

Don’t Judge Me!

Should a Christian judge others? Today Pastor Matt Moldstad clears up a common misunderstanding around Jesus' words "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

The Hem of Jesus’ Robe

Luke 8:48 Jesus had reached almost rockstar status. Wherever he traveled a crowd was around him even pushing up against him and touching him. One day there was a woman in that crowd who really wanted to touch Jesus. She…

Morning Ritual

Psalm 90:14 Watch on YouTube What’s your morning ritual? Do you roll out of bed and make your way to the bathroom? Or do you go downstairs and turn on the coffee maker? Or maybe you simply roll over and…