Tag forgiveness

How can you know God exists?

Join us today as we talk about the Natural Knowledge of God, the evidence of God we see in the world around us, and the Revealed Knowledge of God, what God tells us about himself in the Bible.

Continue in God’s Word

This time of year there's lots of graduations. 🎓 (Congrats, by the way, if you've graduated.) One thing we never graduate from is the need to hear God's Word. Spending time in God's word, spending time with our fellow Christians at church helps remind us again and again how much God has done for us.

Healed by Jesus

Do you ever feel guilty for something you've done? Do you feel burdened by sorrow over your mistakes? Come, be healed by Jesus. He loves you, he forgives you, and he has won for you eternal salvation.

Keep Your Receipt

Do you keep your receipts? There are times when keeping a receipt is important, it shows a debt has been paid. Did you know your sins have been paid for? Today we're joined by Pastor Brad Kerkow for a message of peace through forgiveness.

Blessings and Benefits of the Ascension

Can you imagine if your sibling was elected president? Or made king? What blessings and benefits would that bring! Today we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus. Pastor Brad Kerkow joins us to tell us about the blessings and benefits that come from having Jesus on the throne of heaven.

I Wish I Could Start Over

Do you ever wish you could start over? Have a clean slate? A new beginning? There's a way you can. Join Pastor Tim Hartwig today as he shares a message of love and forgiveness.

Jesus’ Resurrection Calms our Fears

Fear. Uncertainty. Sorrow. What turmoil of emotions the women must have been feeling as they rush to Jesus' tomb in the early hours before dawn. 🌅 But the message they receive is a miraculous comfort: "Do not be afraid! Jesus is not here. He has risen!" ✝️

Can you resist temptation?

How good are you at resisting temptation? This Holy Week we join Pastor Tim Hartwig in thinking about temptations we have faced and remembering that Jesus has won the victory over sin. It doesn't depend on us. Thanks be to God!