Tag forgiveness

All is Complete

Have you ever seen a glass that is so full the water is bubbling over the top? That's a picture of what Christ has done for you.

Palm Sunday Parade

What is your favorite thing about parades? The parade for Jesus on Palm Sunday was joyous, but Jesus wasn't going to Jerusalem to celebrate. He was going so that YOU can celebrate with him in Heaven.

I Still Love You

Sometimes our sins against God can make us feel very sad and sometimes afraid of God as well. But God, because of the work of Christ, comes to us and he says to us “I still love you and I forgive you.”

Who do you think you are?

Today we pray: “Lord thank you for giving me your word and giving me your truth. Helped me to simply obey it, believe it, and trust in it. Amen.”

Jesus Loves Me

"Jesus loves me." Say it with confidence: "this I know!" For the Bible tells us so. Praise be to God for his amazing love.

Using the Right Words

How do you know if you're using the right words to pray? Pastor Peter Heyn provides us with an encouraging message for those times when we're not sure what we should be praying for.