"Simple" celled organisms are not that simple. God speaks through creation to tell us that he exists.
Where did God come from? It can be difficult to wrap your mind around something that has no beginning, but Pastor Moldstad says it makes sense that something or someone has been around forever. That someone is God.
Our bodies certainly are fearfully and wonderfully made. They give evidence for our incredible creator.
Do you want a fresh start? In Christ you have exactly that. Happy New Year from Peace Devotions.
"Pastor, if God knew Adam and Eve would sin, why did he create them?" Today Tim Hartwig, Pastor at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, MN, answers a question that many people ask.
Join us today as we talk about the Natural Knowledge of God, the evidence of God we see in the world around us, and the Revealed Knowledge of God, what God tells us about himself in the Bible.