Category Bible Books

God Intended it for Good

Pastor Matt Moldstad walks us through the story of Joseph. Joseph had a lot of hardships and trials in his life, how did he react to them? He trusted in God. God grant that we too may trust him when we face hard times in our life.

The Love of a Mother

The joy of motherhood often overshadows the pains of pregnancy. Jesus uses this as an illustration of our heavenly joy to come. Our time or earth may be filled with sorrow, but in heaven we will remember our anguish no longer.

Thank God for Mothers!

Thank God for mothers! As we celebrate Mother's Day this weekend we are reminded of God's love for us. God bless all mothers, this weekend and always. πŸ’πŸŒ·πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸ’

Blessings and Benefits of the Ascension

Can you imagine if your sibling was elected president? Or made king? What blessings and benefits would that bring! Today we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus. Pastor Brad Kerkow joins us to tell us about the blessings and benefits that come from having Jesus on the throne of heaven.

Where’s Jesus Now?

Where is Jesus now? Tim Hartwig, Pastor at Peace Lutheran Church, answers this question today, telling us where Jesus is right now and, more importantly, what he is doing for you at this moment.

Can You Believe Jesus?

Brad Kerkow, Pastor at Hope Lutheran Church, says he can says he can jump over a building, run a marathon in under two hours, and do 200 pushups in a row. Can he convince you of these claims? And can you trust what Jesus says? Find out now: