Well, it's early February, and so just the other day, the nation once again observed Groundhog's Day.
The mission work of the church is not intended to be an afterthought of Christianity.
Today I want to talk a little bit about the church.
Are you familiar with the Year of Jubilee? Jesus came to pay your debt and grant you God's favor.
But what happens after he rises? He ascends.
When water flows, it naturally wants to go downstream and find the lowest spot. And that's kind of a beautiful picture of the Gospel.
We know that with the advent of the Internet that we have an endless supply of worldly, silly myths that we could investigate.
Today I want to talk about a verse that in the past has been a little confusing to me. I'm sure that you've heard it.
I was thinking about a couple of Bible passages that are, to me very meaningful as we think about the start of the next 12 months on the calendar.
It was amazing to me that this 97 year old man still had the heart of a missionary.
Jesus Christ, who is the very light of the world now has to steal away in darkness to have his life spared.
Jesus uses a very simple explanation about two different approaches to life, two different ways of going through life, and ultimately to different final destinations.