Category John

For Jesus’ Sake

"For Jesus' Sake" Ever wonder what this phrase means? Wonder no more! Pastor Matt Moldstad explains why we say this in today's devotion.

What is True?

Is chocolate good for you or bad for you? Sometimes it seems impossible to know what is really true. What about religion? Is the Bible true? Yes. The Bible is true and today Pastor Hartwig tells how that changes everything.

Am I Truly Repentant?

John 16:8 Have you ever wondered am I truly repentant? Or am I sorry enough? We know what God’s word says, that it demands you repent and believe the gospel. But have we repented enough? God tells us something extremely…

Jesus’ First Miracle

John 2:11 You’ve probably heard, or even know, the story. Jesus was at a wedding in Cana. He was there with his mother and some of his disciples. The custom was for a wedding to go for a number of…

Healing and Forgiveness

Matthew 9:8, John 20:22b-23a In the bible we hear a story about a paralyzed man whose friends want to bring him to Jesus to be healed. When they arrive at the house where Jesus is at it’s full of people…

What do you look for in a church?

John 8:31b-32, 2 Peter 2:1 What do you look for in a church? Perhaps it’s a particular worship style or music. Maybe it’s the children’s programs that they often. Some people choose a church based on the pastor’s personality, but…

Are you a good person?

Many people today feel that from a moral perspective they are just fine. Many people will say "I'm a good person." And in the darkness of the world that's easy to say.

Death and Comfort

John 11:25, 35 Death is not something that we like to think much about, but sometimes were forced to. Maybe we were there at the death of a loved one when they took their last breath. Maybe we were there…

One True God

John 17:3 Elijah threw down a challenge: you pray to your god and I’ll pray to mine and the God that lights the sacrifice, he is the true God. Elijah even gave the prophets of Baal the opportunity to start.…

John 3:16

John 3:16 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook What is the most well-known Bible verse? Without a doubt it’s John 3:16. It’s often put on billboards, it’s one of the first passages that Christians teach their kids. John 3:16,…