Category John

How can you know God exists?

Join us today as we talk about the Natural Knowledge of God, the evidence of God we see in the world around us, and the Revealed Knowledge of God, what God tells us about himself in the Bible.

Thank God for Freedom

🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸 Today we thank the men and women who have sacrificed everything so that we can live free. We thank God for them and pray he is with the ones who are standing up for our liberties. As citizens, we should take full advantage of this freedom by practicing our religion. Gather together to hear God's Word and share this good message with those around you. Thank you God for freedom to worship!

The Love of a Mother

The joy of motherhood often overshadows the pains of pregnancy. Jesus uses this as an illustration of our heavenly joy to come. Our time or earth may be filled with sorrow, but in heaven we will remember our anguish no longer.

Can You Believe Jesus?

Brad Kerkow, Pastor at Hope Lutheran Church, says he can says he can jump over a building, run a marathon in under two hours, and do 200 pushups in a row. Can he convince you of these claims? And can you trust what Jesus says? Find out now:

Evidence for Thomas

Do you doubt that Jesus rose from the dead? So did Thomas. Jesus gave Thomas the evidence he needed to know for sure. Jesus also provides that evidence for you. Join us today as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ.

Did Jesus Really Die?

Did Jesus really die? Today Pastor Hartwig tells us why we can be absolutely certain that Jesus really died on the cross and that he really rose again. Praise be to God!