How is your relationship with God? Are you right with him? Do you think that you've lived a good enough life to keep him happy?
Lord, deliver us from evil. We say this each week in the Lord's Prayer, but what evil are we asking to be delivered from?
If anyone, whether they're married or single, is expecting another human being to complete them, they’re going to be disappointed.
What does it mean to "be good?" Whose rules are you supposed to follow? What if I haven't followed the rules?
One of the meanings of the word ‘repent’ is to change your mind. God would have you change your mind.
Who inspires kindness in your life? When should we be kind? To whom should be we kind?
What are you searching for? As you scroll through your newsfeed, what are you looking for?
"Transfiguration" (noun) "A complete change of form and appearance into a more spiritual state." Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain offers evidence that he was God in human flesh.