Tag love

Where’s Jesus Now?

Where is Jesus now? Tim Hartwig, Pastor at Peace Lutheran Church, answers this question today, telling us where Jesus is right now and, more importantly, what he is doing for you at this moment.

Your Ransom Price

How much are you worth to God? $10? 💰 10 million dollars? Are you worth buying back at all? Are you worth dying for? Would God die for you? Pastor Tim Hartwig knows your ransom price. He knows exactly how much God paid for you. ✝️

Perfect Life, Perfect Love

Does your attitude affect your kindness? Does pain affect your ability to love? Thank God for Jesus! Today Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us how Jesus still lived and loved perfectly, even as he was nailed to a cross. And the best part? He did it in your place.

Why do you go to church?

Is church too crowded for Jesus? Why do you go to church? Why should you go to church? What's in it for you? Today Pastor Tim Hartwig answers questions about church.

Have You Wasted Your Life?

What have you wasted in your life? Opportunities? Possessions? Love? Join Pastor Tim Hartwig today as he tells us the amazing truth about God's desire for your life.

I Love Lent

What's your favorite holiday? Most people wouldn't choose Lent when answering that question. Today Pastor Matt Moldstad tells us why he loves the Lenten season so much and why you should too.

Our Good Samaritan

Romans 5:8, 10a Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Luke chapter 10 Jesus tells a very familiar story often referred to as the Good Samaritan. It’s a story of an incredible man who would risk his own security to…

How far would you go?

Watch on YouTube Luke 2:11 How far would you be willing to go to show someone that you love them? In 1972 Charlie Duke was driving the lunar rover when he stopped, jumped out, and placed a picture of his…

Unending Love

Luke 15:11-24 In Luke chapter 15 Jesus tells us an incredible story about forgiveness and love. He tells a story of two sons and one son decided one day that he was going to leave his father’s household. He demanded…


Romans 5:8 One day, when I was in the locker room, I remember the guy who normally sat next to me came in late. He frantically put on all of his football gear and rushed outside to avoid the coaches…

When to Gossip

Matthew 18:15 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook When I was in school there was a friend of mine that began to have strong body odor. A number of the fellow students in the class also noticed and began…

Comfort in Depression

Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Psalm 43:5 Recent research has revealed that 1.5%, 3.3 million people in the United States each year, are diagnosed with depression. 13% of the population is on antidepressant medication. Obviously depression is a…