Tag love

I Lose Things

Today's devotion is a reminder of God's love and comfort. But it also features video of really cute lambs and sheep. God bless your time in his Word today!

God is Love

1 John 4:16, Zephaniah 3:5 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook God is love. You’ve probably heard that before. Maybe you’ve seen it on billboards. Maybe you’ve seen it posted online. What does it mean? God is love. Does…

Walking the Rope Bridge

Am I really forgiven of all my sins because of what Jesus has done? Is my body really going to rise again from the dead? Is there really a heaven waiting for me after this life? God has given us very sure promises.


Equality. In a sense, God asks us to be so concerned with equality that we actually go a step beyond equality.

Jesus Calms My Fear

Jesus has the power to calm even the raging weather. Jesus has the power to calm all the storms that we face in our lives as well.