Today I want to unpack the second major rest theme in the Bible with you.
One of my favorite titles for Jesus is when he calls himself the Lord of the Sabbath.
(This is part one of a four-part series. We'll be sharing the next parts over the following weeks.)
Let's talk politics. We're just going to jump straight into it, right into the danger zone.
Do you remember the first time that you left home? Like, really left home?
And there are two things I want to focus on today: humility and testimony.
To be a birdwatcher, you need some binoculars. If you use binoculars correctly, they bring distant things into focus.
People often ask, how can your baptism mean anything if you didn't choose it?
Have you been burned by the church? Have you been hurt by Christians? Unfortunately many have.
"Frankly you don't even have any evidence for Jesus." How would you respond to this? Pastor David Thompson provides reliable evidence that Jesus existed and offers a better question to ponder.
Sometimes when people talk about the church and the state of Christianity in our world today, they can seem kind of defeated.
Does God accept us just the way that we are? Whenever I get asked that question, I like to turn to John chapter three when Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus.
Do you like clam chowder? I do, but am I sinning when I eat it?