Tag forgiveness

Spiritual Swing Coach

Someone that has reached the pinnacle of the golf, you would think that, man, there's nothing left for them to learn. But he constantly wanted someone watching his swing. Everyone needs a swing coach.

Triumphal Arch

The oldest Triumphal Arch we know about was built 200 years before Jesus was born. Today we consider Jesus' Ascension as a Triumphal Arch for our entrance into heaven.

That Was a BAD Idea

Sometimes we have bad ideas and we make bad decisions. God had a good idea which was to send Jesus to take your place. Your sins are forgiven. You are at peace with God.

Give Up Guilt for Lent

Have you given up something for Lent? Pastor John Petersen suggests that perhaps you should give up Guilt for Lent. Put your guilt on Jesus, he has taken your sins to the cross in your place.

This Can’t Be Undone

The bill of our guilt, the debt of our sin, it has been paid for. It has been accomplished 100% by our Savior Jesus. There's nothing more that we need to do. After all, can Jesus go back now and commit some sort of sin and not earn righteousness? No! It's an accomplished fact. He already earned that righteousness. It's free and it's coming to all who believe in him.