Sometimes we have bad ideas and we make bad decisions. God had a good idea which was to send Jesus to take your place. Your sins are forgiven. You are at peace with God.
Who is your role model?
Have you given up something for Lent? Pastor John Petersen suggests that perhaps you should give up Guilt for Lent. Put your guilt on Jesus, he has taken your sins to the cross in your place.
The bill of our guilt, the debt of our sin, it has been paid for. It has been accomplished 100% by our Savior Jesus. There's nothing more that we need to do. After all, can Jesus go back now and commit some sort of sin and not earn righteousness? No! It's an accomplished fact. He already earned that righteousness. It's free and it's coming to all who believe in him.
How old do you think you were when you could have explained to me what it meant to be a human being?
Christ wants us to live in His word. To make it such a regular part of our life that that's where we can be found.
They say Santa only gives gifts to people who are good. But that is the exact opposite of what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about God's gift to people who've been bad.
Jesus wants you to be free. But that means you have to accept some truths. Today we take a close look at what those truths are.
We often ask God for forgiveness when we mess up. But what about the people around us? Should we ask for their forgiveness too, if we've wronged them?
Jesus gave us instructions about when to forgive others and today Pastor Matt Moldstad walks us through the stipulations for forgiveness.
The world is a place of anger and hostility and kindness shines like a beautiful, glistening diamond.
Who is church for? The entire purpose of church, the entire purpose of the Christian religion, is to provide help and salvation for sinners.